5D Mk IV – Ef 16-35mm F/2.8L – 640W Strobe – 1/15, f/6.3, ISO 100, Spot Meter

What a day. In the SOMA Global world, today will forever be known as ‘The Purge’. Last week I told HR I was going to retire. I had my letter written and was planning on giving it to them tomorrow. Since so many people were off for the holidays, I was going to go easy and give them 2 weeks – mid January as my departure date. Well today they had an emergency company-wide meeting where the CEO, in a trembling voice, told everyone there was a restructuring in process, and there would be one on one meetings today between each employee and management. Now I’ve been part of this business for quite some time, and this had ‘LAYOFFS’ written all over it. I wasn’t wrong. I started noticing employees Slack accounts had been deactivated. Lots of employees…

Well my time came and there were 3 managers on the virtual meeting. They started their spiel and after a few seconds, I stopped them. I said I’m the easiest one they will have today. I reiterated that I had told HR I was quitting and retiring last week and my letter was written, but you’ve just added 2 weeks to my retirement – Ha! What’s funny is after that, boom, they were off the meeting and my accounts were deactivated.

I could go on and on what I thought of this company, but those of you reading this know. What is sad is that many people were fired today because of totally inept management. I knew over a year ago, this company could not sustain because they can not deliver. Now, a lot of people are out of work because of all the fake pomp these frauds were trying to deliver.

Anyway, it’s official – I’M RETIRED – something I’ve been talking about doing again for over a year.

The PotD was a spur of the moment thought. I could have done more with the ‘Retired’ statement like adding it in multiple frames – see below image for an example. But I thought, let’s keep it simple.

1/10, f/6.3, ISO 100
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