
G7X Mk II – 1/125, f/4.5, ISO 125, Eval Meter

This POTW is appropriately titled ‘Shakedown’. After a few weeks of working on our RV (water pump, toilet flush module, propane regulator and hoses, tires, etc, etc,) we felt we needed to get it out for a shakedown before we use it for any weekend diving trips. This is actually another panorama of 4 pics taken in portrait mode. The pics themselves are not wow-worthy; in fact, the exposure is not correct on the right side. However, the point is we took it out on the hottest 2 days of the year, July 4th and 5th where the heat index got up to 105!

The awning is at an angle on purpose – to allow water to flow better since the roof gutters need cleaning and are clogged. Another item we found was a small leak from the replaced flush module and this was corrected on July 6.

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