Canon G7 X Mk II – 1/2000, f/1.8, ISO 100
I’d been meaning to get a pic of the mailbox for awhile. Over the years, this mailbox has been the victim of many nighttime baseball bats (I presume) as it always seems to be beaten up. It’s also been hit by cars and errant snowplows over the years. Several months ago, I was driving by and saw it like this. Apparently the owners gave up fixing it. I don’t know if today was the best day for it – lots of traffic today on the road where it sits for some reason. I hurriedly set the shooting mode to AV Priority with an f/stop of 1.8. This, at least, allowed for a high shutter speed since I was driving when I took the pic.
I chose to post process this as a black and white image because I think it adds to the sadness of the scene. I also added a bit of graininess and upped the contrast to give it more oomph. One note – I might have tried to grab the shot several weeks earlier when the vegetation was not as high.
Great shot!