Canon G7 X Mk II – 1/60, f/1.8, ISO 1600, CWA Meter

With this PotD, I’m not quite sure I like the effect I was going for. I meant for the camera lens to be a reflection of what I was shooting. This is actually two photos with editing in both Lightroom and Photoshop. For the main photo, I set up the G7 X on a Gorilla tripod with the timer set to 10 seconds and shoot 3 pics at a time. I took several this way to ensure I’d get one I liked. I tried with and without flash, but liked the without flash pics better. The problem is the graininess introduced with the higher ISO. I could have set up the Einstein strobes, but time was a factor in getting this done – I knew my Photoshop skills were rusty and didn’t want to spend a lot of time fussing with the lighting.

Next, I grabbed a photo from a self-portrait photoshoot I did back in February 2021. I threw this photo into Photoshop as another layer, and through the magic of Adobe, resized (and skewed) the image so it fit in the lens. When I was done here, I used a radial gradient in Lightroom to ‘tone down’ the lens image.

The result is the PotD. If you think something would have made this better, let me know your thoughts.

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One Comment

  1. Love the concept of this! The only thing I can think of is making the reflection photo have a sort of glare to it if that makes sense.

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