Canon 5D Mark IV – EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro – 1/100, f/8, ISO 100, Eval Meter

Today’s PotD is a macro shot of farm life – kinda. I picked up this little playset the other day to take some macro-type shots (this will eventually be re-gifted to some little kids I know). The horses and barn are new, the pigs you’ve seen before. I took this outside and set it up on my golf mat. I played around with the 5D and the G7 X, taking numerous shots. But, boy was it hot in the sun. I wanted the shot to be low, yet I didn’t want to go to the trouble of getting the tripod out, and extreme lengths to set up the shot – because of the heat. This is one of the first pics I took. Even after messing around with art bold, miniature, and fisheye shots, I liked this the best.

Nothing special technical-wise. Just low to the ground, and close to the lens. I did want to keep the background out of focus since I didn’t want my golf net, or anything else showing up in the pic. However, I also had to be mindful of the narrow depth of field and I wanted to keep the animals and barn as focused as possible. And since I wasn’t stacking, this had to be one shot so f/8 seemed pretty good. At least you can tell they are pigs.

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