Canon G7 X Mk II – On-board Flash – 1/125, f/5.6, ISO 125, CWA Meter
I am having internet problems today and I cannot access my site to upload the PotD from my home network. Sooo…I had to setup a hotspot on my phone which happens to have only one bar. This is painstakingly slow.
The PotD happened as a spur of the moment type of thing. I went into the garage and a big box sitting on top of the garbage can caught my eye. I thought what if I put a camera in the bottom looking up, and maybe someone was looking down into it? I took numerous shots with and without flash, and with various costume items / props. After going into Lightroom, I settled on this photo. But I thought it had a sort of sinister / scary look so I changed it to B&W to give it an even edgier look.
The shot itself was easy. Set the exposure, place the camera on 10 sec delay, and look into the box. This could be a segway into other uses for ‘The Box’. Anybody have any potential ideas?
Hahaha I think you should do this with Colin looking down! It is slightly creepy