The Mixtapes

Canon G7 X Mk II – 1/250, f/5, ISO 800, Eval Meter

This PotD is a bit different from the ordinary. I took this photo yesterday evening at the Mosey Down Main Street event in Lafayette. This may have been the last time The Mixtapes perform as a band; we’ll have to confirm with Ryan. It was a great concert once they got the sound issue resolved.

I went in knowing I wanted to take the photo from the rear looking at the backs of the band members and the front of the crowd. I would have liked to get a pic of Ryan with his hands in the air, but my timing wasn’t good. The other thing I encountered was the performance was delayed a bit and this resulted in losing light as the sun sank behind the buildings. I had to increase the ISO to help get the right exposure as I wanted to keep the shutter speed and aperture where I wanted them.

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