Canon G7 X Mk II – 1/250, f/4, ISO 125, Eval Meter

Today we have a special treat! it’s the rare Guest Photographer PotD. I’ve done this before once with Steph, but this time, it’s Roxie who is the Photographer. It was a joy to see her working hard to compose and snap a pic, over and over, in search of that elusive ‘Perfect Photo’. In this case, I was mulching mega piles of dry, dusty, dirty, damn filthy leaves…sorry, I digress.

Yes, it was dirty, but she managed to capture an epic action pic that has so many elements. The mower with dust flying and leaves blowing. Me, the rider, with my buff dust mask on and glasses to protect my eyes – they didn’t. The coat, hat, and gloves which shows the cold. My foot holding the mower deck high for the initial pass through those dirty, dusty, damn filthy leaves…sorry again.

On a positive note, this is the quickest we’ve ever done leaves in the almost 30 years we’ve been here. Early on, it took upwards of two full weekends raking leaves onto a tarp and dragging it out back to burn. Steph and Zack had so much fun doing that! Good times! (sarcasm). With the new mower, it took about 4 hours to mulch them.

On another note, remember me working to get a free replacement for my 27 year old Tilley hat? Well here it is – my brand new Tilley T3 Cotton Duck Hat! Thank You Tilley! Best hats ever!

1/30, f/3.2, ISO 125
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